#25 Chain

The #25 Chain, with a pitch of ¼”, is one of the most popular chain sizes for small, lightweight, and space-confined applications. Our inventory of #25 chain includes the single strand roller chain and the stainless steel roller chain.


Single Strand Roller Chain#25 Single Strand Roller Chain

Our inventory of #25 single strand roller chain includes a 10’ box, 100’ reel, 50’ reel, connecting link, and offset link. View Inventory >


Stainless Steel Roller Chain#25 Stainless Steel Roller Chain

If you need speed, longevity, and durability, our #25 stainless steel roller chain is a great option. Our inventory of #25 stainless steel roller chain includes a 10’ box, 50’ reel, connecting link, and offset link. View Inventory >